
Next-Gen Pocket Money


Teach young kids the value of money with chores and virtual savings.

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Jobucks App
Jobucks is a weekly chore tracker and virtual savings account, synced between all family members through your own private Virtual Family Bank.



Team up with your child to build positive money habits by rewarding responsibility.

Custom Jobs
Custom Jobs

Set weekly tasks tailored to your child's growth and needs. You know them best!

Virtual Family Bank
Virtual Family Bank

Safely track your child’s earnings, savings, and spending without using real money.

Real-Time Sync
Real-Time Sync

Parents and kids have a unique view of the same data, all synced instantly.


Choose the best currency for your family. Need more? Just ask.


Compatible with most modern Apple and Android devices. And yes, you can sync between them all!

Kids Do Jobs

Parent IconAssign IconJobs Kid Icon

Parents assign Jobs to Kids.

Kid IconAssign IconJobs OK Icon

Kids mark Jobs complete.

Parent IconAssign IconJobs Approved Icon

Parents approve Jobs.

Kids Get Paid

Jobucks IconDeposit IconJobucks Bank Icon

Jobucks are paid into your kids' account, rewarding approved Jobs.

Kids Save Money

Kid IconSave IconJobucks Bank Icon

Use Jobucks to track your kids' savings, holding the real money safe yourself.

Jobucks Bank IconSave IconChart Icon

Watch Jobucks grow over time, as your kids become money savvy.

Kids Learn About Money

Jobucks Bank IconWithdraw IconKid Icon

Withdraw Jobucks as kids spend your real money, making it a complete savings tracker for your kids.

Jobucks is for Families who:

Have Kids aged 7 to 14
Have Kids aged 7 to 14

Ideal for families with kids old enough to use a mobile device, yet too young to be logging in to the bank.

Want to Set Expectations
Want to Set Expectations

Great for setting clear guidelines on what's required to earn pocket money.

Want to Reward Effort
Want to Reward Effort

Perfect for encouraging kids to help out at home and rewarding their efforts.

Jobucks is NOT for:

Very Young Kids
Very Young Kids

As the parent, you'll know when your child is ready to start earning pocket money. On average, we think around age 7 is a good time to start.

Card Holders
Card Holders

To keep Jobucks 100% safe, no real bank accounts or cards are offered. If a real bank account is needed, Jobucks is not suitable.

Late Teens
Late Teens

Jobucks is not designed for older, independant kids who spend their money without parental guidance.

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